A vida é uma peça de teatro que não permite ensaios. Por isso, cante, chore, dance, ria e viva intensamente, antes que a cortina se feche e a peça termine sem aplausos. (Charles Chaplin)

domingo, 29 de novembro de 2009

6x01 Good Mourning

Izzie: [laughing] I’m sorry.
Meredith: You’re laughing?
Alex: She’s laughing.
Izzie: [laughing] George-George is dead. He’s dead. They’re about to bury him in the ground and the priest is doing classic rock lyrics. And that girl, that redhead, is crying harder than his mother and she never even met him. It’s just…
Cristina: You are far more twisted than I ever realized.
Izzie: [laughing harder] And you got married on a post-it.
Meredith: [laughing] I got married on a post-it. I did.
Cristina: [laughing] And you guys got married for real.
Izzie: [laughing] I know! And I got cancer. What?
Alex: [laughing] O’Malley got hit by a bus.
[They’re all laughing then they slowly stop. The redhead walks by crying. They all burst out laughing.]
Izzie: [laughing] She hasn’t stopped crying.
[They’re all laughing. Pause. They all stop laughing.]